Forside Poetry

Poetry in English by Jorn Nielsen

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# Artikeltitel Skribent Hits
1 Om at blive som børn Alan Navaratnam 545
2 How the Grace of Christ Works Alan Navaratnam 546
3 An Ocean of Grace Alan Navaratnam 1848
4 A Faithful Friend Alan Navaratnam 1827
5 An Old Man´s Young Heart Alan Navaratnam 1807
6 An Informal Gospel Talk Alan Navaratnam 1839
7 The Ocean of Grace Alan Navaratnam 1903
8 Worshipping Shepherds Alan Navaratnam 1870
9 The Good Shepherd´s Loving Care Alan Navaratnam 1955
10 At Evening Time Alan Navaratnam 1991
11 Christmas Glory Alan Navaratnam 1927
12 Heading For The Heavenly Shore Alan Navaratnam 1944
13 About Waiting On The Lord Alan Navaratnam 4833
14 God´s Transcending Grace Alan Navaratnam 1884
15 At His Feet Alan Navaratnam 1946
16 The Shepherd and Overseer of My Soul Alan Navaratnam 1966
17 Relief Jørn Nielsen 2225
18 Your Cause Is Good! Jørn Nielsen 2149
19 The Irresistible Grace Jørn Nielsen 2266
20 Redemption Through His Blood Jørn Nielsen 2169
21 Praying Expectantly Jørn Nielsen 2218
22 At Evening Time It Will Be Light (Zech. 14:7) Jørn Nielsen 2232
23 The Delight of God´s Word Jørn Nielsen 2206
24 Morning by Morning Jørn Nielsen 2235
25 Straight and Plain Jørn Nielsen 2290
26 Christ, My Boast And Glory Jørn Nielsen 2206
27 Easter Joy Jørn Nielsen 2221
28 A Wake-Up Call – Or What Do You Think? Jørn Nielsen 2245
29 What a Friend We Have In Jesus! Jørn Nielsen 2184
30 The Springtime Sun in Christ Jørn Nielsen 2187
31 The Springtime Sun in Christ Jørn Nielsen 2221
32 In a World Of Anxiety Jørn Nielsen 2235
33 Springtime Joy Jørn Nielsen 2280
34 A Quest For Revival Jørn Nielsen 2203
35 Waiting And Rejoicing Jørn Nielsen 2207
36 My cup flows over! Jørn Nielsen 2239
37 Feeding on Christ Alan Navaratnam 2267
38 Our Never Failing Savior Jørn Nielsen 2468
39 The Power and Freedom of Grace Jørn Nielsen 2380
40 No Bondage Anymore Jørn Nielsen 2371
41 Old Age Praise Jørn Nielsen 2406
42 The Joy and Glory of the Gospel Jørn Nielsen 2377
43 Happy in Jesus Jørn Nielsen 2390
44 Exalting Christ and His Grace Jørn Nielsen 2380
45 Trusting Christ in Darkness Jørn Nielsen 2413
46 Freshness For Sadness Jørn Nielsen 2430
47 The Joy of the Lord - Our Happy Strength Jørn Nielsen 2449
48 Bold Before God And Men Jørn Nielsen 2459
49 With Christ In Majority Jørn Nielsen 2455
50 The Grace of Butterflies Jørn Nielsen 2451
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”Ethvert skrift er indblæst af Gud”

(2. Tim. 3:16)