Forside Articles

Articles in English by Jorn Nielsen

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# Artikeltitel Skribent Hits
51 The Providence of God Alan Navaratnam 1424
52 The Gospel Light That Transcends The Educational Light Alan Navaratnam 1247
53 Tempted In All Sinful Things And Abounding Salvation From All Sins. Alan Navaratnam 1243
54 What a Friend in CA Taught Me Alan Navaratnam 1197
55 Gospel Balm – Not Religious Clichés Alan Navaratnam 782
56 ”Just as I Am without one Plea…” Alan Navaratnam 656
57 Our New Inheritance in Christ Alan Navaratnam 624
58 A Word From a Spiritually Parched Land Alan Navaratnam 668
59 Our Two Different Relationships With Two different Attitudes. Alan Navaratnam 671
60 ”All Our Trespasses (Sins) Forgiven!” (Col. 2:13) Alan Navaratnam 670
61 “The Gospel Is at Stake!” Alan Navaratnam 663
62 My Relationship to Women Alan Navaratnam 626
63 Standing At The Gate of Heaven – A Loving Word of Memory Alan Navaratnam 653
64 “Borte fra legemet, hjemme hos Herren!” Alan Navaratnam 709
65 Billy Graham´s Impact On My Gospel Testimony Alan Navaratnam 473
66 Being On Gospel Terms With Your Old Age Alan Navaratnam 1085
67 Going to Him (Jesus) Outside the Camp (Hebr. 13:13) Alan Navaratnam 491
68 A Protected “Egg Yolk” Life? Alan Navaratnam 511
69 Christ For Me And In Me Jørn Nielsen 875
70 How am I? Who am I? Do you really want to know? Jørn Nielsen 651
71 It happened…! Jørn Nielsen 687
72 “Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.” (1 Cor. 2:2) Jørn Nielsen 722
73 ”These Women Provided For Them…” (Luke 8:3, NEB) Jørn Nielsen 629
74 Redeemed By His Blood, Not By Any Man Made Temple Jørn Nielsen 687
75 “What Will We Get Out Of It?” Jørn Nielsen 649
76 How Do We Understand Or Interpret Our Time? Jørn Nielsen 632
77 The World Or Christ Jørn Nielsen 674
78 Just As I Am Without One Plea… Jørn Nielsen 702
79 Celebrating Our Spiritual Independence Day Jørn Nielsen 614
80 “The Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ” Jørn Nielsen 661
81 Two Big Questions Jørn Nielsen 703
82 ”Just as I am…” Jørn Nielsen 727
83 The Living Word of God And Its Alarming Counterfeit Jørn Nielsen 670
84 ”How Much Time Is Left?” Jørn Nielsen 660
85 The Tone of Earnestness Jørn Nielsen 614
86 Reflections On This Present Crisis. Jørn Nielsen 642
87 Is the Covid 19 a Broad Hint From God? What Is He Spelling out? Jørn Nielsen 615
88 The Old Forgotten Battle Cry Jørn Nielsen 635
89 Gospel Dialogues Jørn Nielsen 682
90 The Fire And Passion of the Gospel Jørn Nielsen 649
91 Just a Thought Jørn Nielsen 705
92 On Being On Guard Against Women Jørn Nielsen 639
93 They didn´t know better! Jørn Nielsen 655
94 Don´t Say You Are a Christian If You Are Religious Only Jørn Nielsen 611
95 Very Much “Down” And Yet, Very Much “In The Heavenlies”. Jørn Nielsen 630
96 Very Much “Down” And Yet, Very Much “In The Heavenlies”. Jørn Nielsen 618
97 Serving in Germany Jørn Nielsen 668
98 Rejoicing By Vitue Of The Merits Of Christ Jørn Nielsen 631
99 “Do You Seek Great Things For Yourself? Seek Them Not!” (Jer. 45:5) Jørn Nielsen 603
100 “Do You Seek Great Things For Yourself? Seek Them Not!” (Jer. 45:5) Jørn Nielsen 613
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