Forside Articles

Articles in English by Jorn Nielsen

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# Artikeltitel Skribent Hits
451 Adults May Do what a Child Can´t Do! Jørn Nielsen 1193
452 Worth Considering Jørn Nielsen 1109
453 "It´s not the Way that is Hard…" Jørn Nielsen 1360
454 What Made Him Come? Jørn Nielsen 1197
455 They Have Taken Away My Lord!" Jørn Nielsen 1128
456 The Personal Relationship to God´s Word Jørn Nielsen 1196
457 Very Close, but.... Jørn Nielsen 1203
458 The Voice of the Shepherd Jørn Nielsen 2632
459 The Morning Sun  - an Object Lesson Jørn Nielsen 1236
460 My Hernia – a Blessing Jørn Nielsen 1206
461 Mary Magdalene Jørn Nielsen 1240
462 The Saints – Who Are They? Jørn Nielsen 1199
463 What facts? Jørn Nielsen 1304
464 A God Sent Revival, Our Desperate Need Jørn Nielsen 1249
465 Grudges Overcome Jørn Nielsen 1193
466 Happy New Year with Bright Hopes Jørn Nielsen 1172
467 The Seeking Shepherd Jørn Nielsen 1286
468 "Happy Birthday, Lord Jesus!" Jørn Nielsen 1276
469 The Cry for True Satisfaction Jørn Nielsen 1222
470 The Snowball Girl Jørn Nielsen 1266
471 Congratulations, Winners! Jørn Nielsen 1178
472 ”The Accuser of Our Brethren” Jørn Nielsen 1189
473 Just a Dog and a Cat Listening Jørn Nielsen 1152
474 Freedom from Prejudices – or the Story of “Little Jesus” Jørn Nielsen 1236
475 The “Yes” of Tremendous Relief Jørn Nielsen 1228
476 Who is He? Jørn Nielsen 1229
477 The Children – a World of Hope Jørn Nielsen 1245
478 The Thirsty Cry in ”a Dry and Weary Land”. Jørn Nielsen 1151
479 AnOrdinary Day in´My Life Jørn Nielsen 1217
480 The Real Rich People Jørn Nielsen 1226
481 ”His Glory Will be Seen upon You!” (Isa. 60:2 Jørn Nielsen 1307
482 The Glory of Christ Jørn Nielsen 1291
483 A Tabooed Topic Jørn Nielsen 1949
484 How Are You Doing? Jørn Nielsen 1289
485 What is Worship? Jørn Nielsen 1323
486 Why I´m Tied up with the Jewish People Jørn Nielsen 1214
487 Psalm 119 - The Golden A B C of God´s Word Jørn Nielsen 1286
488 Our Blood Stained Testimony Jørn Nielsen 1212
489 The Lord´s Prayer at the Bedside Jørn Nielsen 1183
490 “All forsook me!” Jørn Nielsen 1258
491 Paul´s Way of Preaching Jørn Nielsen 1189
492 Quo Vadis Europe? Where are You Going? Jørn Nielsen 1203
493 Absent from the Body – Present with the Lord (2 Cor. 5:8) Jørn Nielsen 1251
494 The Name of Jesus Never Fades Jørn Nielsen 1279
495 JESUS Tabooed Jørn Nielsen 1341
496 Separation of Church and State Jørn Nielsen 1274
497 Soccer and Other Memories Jørn Nielsen 1215
498 Our Common Destiny Jørn Nielsen 1211
499 ”Besides You Know the Time!” (Rom. 13:11) Jørn Nielsen 1229
500 Why We Love the Jews Jørn Nielsen 1221
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(2. Tim. 3:16)