Forside Articles Absolute or Relative?
Absolute or Relative? Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Torsdag, 16. juni 2011 03:50


No lie is of the truth.  1 John 2:21
Can truth be compared?  Compared to what?  No, the truth is absolute, never relative.  How absolute?  As absolute as He is absolute who said, “I am the way, the truth and the life”.

The truth is passionate, Kierkegaard contended, i.e.  it is passionately solemn.  The life of most people expresses a life on their own phlegmatic, lying terms with some vague hopes, but without any anchor cast in the eternity and without the Rock of faith, Christ, who has – oh, notice how subtle! – been reduced to the relativistic, false Christ, adapted to the spirit of this age and common piety, created in the image of self-made religiousness.

”I am the way, the truth and the life” are words written with golden letters in many of our Lutheran state churches.  They remain beautiful poetry, however, until the solemn moment of truth confronts the sinner, and Christ is repentantly received by faith.

So the truth is not subject to comparison.  It stands alone, unchallenged.  It offends its enemies, but the more it does so, the firmer it stands.

If you have had an encounter with the absolute truth of God,  it´s for you to decide before Him.  No pleasant lie can hide you in the long run.  The truth with its eternal gravity will catch you up sooner or later.

But nobody has to wait till “later”.  The day of reckoning is happily possible at the feet of Jesus NOW, thus preceding the judgment.  1 Tim. 5:24.  Or do you prefer a later judgment when it´s all too late?

June 15, 201

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