Forside Articles My Hernia – a Blessing
My Hernia – a Blessing Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Mandag, 28. februar 2011 15:31


" I see, you have already made my bed!"  I smiled.  The nurse smiled back and got me on the white and clean operation table.  She noticed my Californian tan and asked me what I´d been doing over there.  I told her.  "It was fascinating to tell the 4 years old kids about the cross on the Danish flag", I said.  This was in our 4 years old granddaughters´ preschool class.  "You see, I asked them what they thought the cross was about?  And they unanimously said "Jesus!"  I told the nurse that their answer was better than the answer I would get from my own adult country people.  They would casually call the cross just a  "symbol".

"Are you a journalist?" the nurse wanted to know.  I told her that I was a free lance writer. "I can tell by the way you´re talking", she said. -  "You may want to know what I´m writing about?"  Yes, she wanted to know.  And I told her that my topic is really my faith and I witnessed to her how I became a Christian as a boy when listening to the gospel in my grandfather´s hall in the slum quarters of Copenhagen.  At that point the surgeon entered the operating room. "Oh, you are disturbing us!" I said with a twinkle.  "I´m so sorry", he smiled, but soon made a local anaesthesia  on me.  The hernia surgery had started.  "Am I allowed to say anything?" I inquired.  "Yes, but at a certain point I have to concentrate on my job", he kindly explained, so I made up my mind to be quiet and only respond when I was asked.

It´s all over.  I was followed by the nurse to a sitting room where coffee and a sandwich were served, and then soon I staggered, dazed with morphine, together with my faithful wife to our car.  In a few days the pains from the surgery are hopefully over, and my wife shall not anymore hear about my boring hernia complaints.

I´ve been the patient at several hospitals during the recent years.  But these are really my safe "home ground" for spreading the fragrance of Christ as it had been my privilege elsewhere.  In California not the least, and that kind state has paid me back with that tan which is again a natural jumping board for answering questions from my people.  You know what I mean.  I´m sure you have your own simple line of approach to your surroundings.


Febr. 25, 2011


Febr. 25, 2011


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