Forside Articles What facts?
What facts? Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 11. februar 2011 08:03


In my New Testament in Latin I just read how Joh. 1:3 was rendered.  In English it says,  "All things were made through Him…"  In Latin it says, "Through Him everything or all were facts."   Refreshing, isn´t it?

What we as born again children of God call facts is different from what the world calls facts.  What has been accomplished through our glorified Lord Jesus Christ are eternal facts.  I mean when a child of God is facing the eternity, maybe because of a deadly disease, he or she shouldn´t desperately cry, "O Lord, let me live a little longer on this earth!" but should rather say, "Thank you, Lord, that I´m soon going to live as much as You live throughout the eternity!  I shall be absent from the body and be present with You!"( 2 Cor. 5:8).

Tomorrow we are going to sit down with an elderly couple, 25 miles from here, at an old farm.  She has a tumor on the brain and has already got her death sentence.   Or has she?  The world would say, yes that´s a fact.  But as a child of God she can be bold and say, "No, I rest on a different kind of facts through Jesus Christ!  I´ll part with my old body to be in the happy presence of my Savior!"  Nonsense, says the world.  A fact,  says the believer.

A godly, dying woman felt the fear of death.  It was up in Norway, and a preacher friend of mine called on her in her home.  He could comfort her with the words, "But you are not going to die!  Hasn´t the Lord said, "I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in Me, though he (or she) may die, he (or she) shall live!"  She could take comfort in the facts accomplished through Jesus Christ.  Søren Kierkegaard aptly says, "We´re (already) living in the eternity while we still hear the clock strikes!"

But why are so many Christian not rejoicing in a bright eternity?  That makes me often sad.  But I think I know why – or at least what could be the reason.  They have despite their standing as Christians been so entangled with this world (2 Tim. 2:4) and its vain pleasures that they can´t rejoice in the eternal facts.  And yet I know of some who can and they are not embarrassed when we talk about it. On the contrary they are bold in Christ!

If you and I have become friends of this poor world (and alas, many Christian homes today are worldly homes!), we have good reasons to feel ashamed when the Lord cuts the lifeline or if He suddenly appears to catch us up to be with him in the air.  And so the apostle John has this sobering word to say to God´s children, "And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming!"   1 John 2:28.  (He´s not speaking of getting lost, but being ashamed).

What kind of facts are we in reality counting on?


Febr. 10, 2011


Febr. 10, 2011


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