Forside Articles The “Yes” of Tremendous Relief
The “Yes” of Tremendous Relief Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Mandag, 18. oktober 2010 05:53


When the Lord, as it were, cut the Gordian knot about death, grave and the hereafter life with His powerful words, “I am the resurrection and the life….” etc. (Joh. 11:25) He gently put the question to Martha, “Do you believe this?”  He was not going to put another burden or “law” on her, on the contrary He was going to bring relief to her bewildered soul.  The relief was Himself really.

She responded simply with her “Yes, Lord, I believe you are the Christ who is to come into the world.”  That was a powerful “Yes” that immediately united her with the Source of life and the supreme Conqueror of death and grave, and so the relief was tremendous.

A dear brother from Germany shared with us a few days ago some thoughts on being “overcomers” based on Rev. 12:11.  He unawares tended to stress his point to the extreme leaving us doubtful if we were really sanctified enough to be truly victorious.  However, I think he and we by the grace of God finally realized that the overcoming is not a strenuous pursuit or a desperate attempt to overcome.  The victory rests on the merits of Christ.  “They overcame…by the blood of the Lamb.”

“Never think of yourself apart from Christ” was F.B. Meyer´s biblical advice.  So it´s no little thing to have the risen, victorious Lord standing before you as revealed in His word saying to you, “Do you believe this?” and as you respond with your “Yes” in all your weakness, you ´re soon wrapped up in His strength and fullness.

For, as so often said, our responsibility is to respond to His ability!


Oct. 16, 2010

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