Forside Articles ”His Glory Will be Seen upon You!” (Isa. 60:2
”His Glory Will be Seen upon You!” (Isa. 60:2 Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Torsdag, 30. september 2010 12:56


The glory of Christ seen upon us is really what revived Christianity is about.  It´s in keeping with Eph. 5:14, “Awake, sleeper, arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you!”  Isa. 60:2 speaks about the same thing.  It´s a promise to a awakened Israel, and it´s a promise to a revived, obedient Christian.  These words of promise are said on a gloomy background if you want to read the context.

When I talk to people I meet out in the open, I usually give them my little “card” as I call it, the size of which nicely fits a breast pocket.  It has a short gospel message about the cross of Christ inspired really by a dialogue I once had with precious school children in Tennessee.  But it can be a mechanical thing for me to do.  In fact, my printed message is practically worth nothing unless it´s given by a transformed life, continually revived and shone upon by Jesus Christ.

This is a challenge to you and me “on the floor”, isn´t it?  If you happen to be a salesman or agent where you meet a lot of customers every week, it won´t last very long till someone asks you, “Why are you so different?  Are you a Christian?”  It´s certain to happen without you having said a word.  (But of course sooner or later the testimony of your mouth will inevitably follow).

Recently I was impressed one early morning in the outskirts of Copenhagen by the full moon.  What a beautiful sight!  Then it struck me, What has the moon done to shine so beautifully?  The answer is of course:  Nothing!  It has no qualifications or source of light of its own.  The sun shines upon it!  That was to me a powerful revival sermon that morning.  Oh, let me be a “moon” like that, I prayed.

So think of the moon and be not discouraged about your own lack of “qualifications”.  Christ is your light.  “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face…” we sometimes sing.  Honestly, I´m constantly bothered and troubled by my own darkness, but at the same time the Spirit gently draws my attention to the light and glory “in the face of Jesus Christ”  (2 Cor. 4:6), and He is as much my light at night as He is in daytime.  So what are we waiting for?  Let us wash our heavy faces and go out to people with His light and gospel smile!

Sept. 30, 2010


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