Forside Articles The Name of Jesus Never Fades
The Name of Jesus Never Fades Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 18. juni 2010 10:37

A young woman (41), whose funeral will be held today in this town (Næstved), had a favorite song the beginning words of which are (translated):  The Name of Jesus Never Fades…”.  This is a well known song written by a leader within the Salvation Army in Norway and highly esteemed everywhere.

It will be sung today.

A funeral where this Name is held forth in power will always be a good funeral.

The inspiration for this song is doubtless Psa.72:17:  ”His Name shall endure forever, His Name shall continue as long as the sun…”  Many have experienced the reality of that enduring Name, at the death bed not the least.

Right now when focus is on the name of Jesus and the cross on our banner (attacked by the European “human rights”), we have every reason to lift up that Name – in song and in our personal testimony with freshness, warmth and inner joy.

I hope this song “The Name of Jesus Never Fades…” will also be sung at my funeral.  It expresses a very simple gospel.  And the gospel of Jesus can never be presented too simple, at a funeral not the least.


June 18, 2010

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