One of my neighbors was passing by. “Come and sit down on my bench big enough for two persons”, I smiled. The morning sun was wonderful, - not like the Californian tropical heat! - the flowers nursed by the tender hand of my wife, the choice friend of flowers, were smiling too. “You recently said something to me which I´ve given much thought”, I began, “and there´s something I want to share with you…”
He wanted to know what important statement he may have made. “You said that the things of God don´t impress you at all”, I continued. “But the fact that God doesn´t impress you, is no excuse. Let me read a few words to you from my New Testament.” I slowly read the verses from Rom. 1:19-21. I paused at almost every sentence to make sure that he understood, especially the words, “So they are without excuse.”
“You say that the things of God don´t impress you, and yet God keeps speaking to you. Look at that beautiful flower over there. It doesn´t say a word, and yet without words it testifies of its great Creator and Designer. So you see the power of God is everywhere and yet you don´t honor Him.”
“But the strongest expression of God´s love happened 2,000 years ago when He sent Jesus to die for your sins. You are an elderly man now, your life is soon over and you have no assurance as to the eternity. Your eternal destiny will be your own choice. I can´t make that choice for you….”
Suddenly an errand boy came along with groceries for my old neighbor, and the conversation was over for now.
At noon, the same day, the mail man brought me a big envelope from England. It was a colorful brochure about special offers on spiritual books. “A Defense of Calvinism” – “Holiness” – “How to Seek and Find the Lord” – “How to Overcome Evil” and a lot of other How to-books. There was also an invitation to a three days conference on “Reviving the Lost Art of Evangelistic Proclamation” with smiling pictures of well fed divines who are going to lecture on related topics.
Somehow I wasn´t in the mood to go into all that right now. I´m exercised about my neighbor, I´m yearning for souls, and the only “seminar” relevant right now is the quiet presence of the Lord with my burden “and unceasing anguish in my heart” (Rom. 9:2).
Lead me to some soul today/and teach me, Lord, just what to say/friends of mine are lost in sin/and cannot find their way/few there are who seem to care/ few there are who pray/melt my heart and fill my life/give me some soul today! (chorus from my young days in the U.S.)