Forside Articles ”Lord, I Do Believe!”
”Lord, I Do Believe!” Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 23. oktober 2009 09:11

“If you confess with your mouth….”  (Rom. 10:9)

I knew her already as a baby when  as a young man I came in her home in Pennsylvania.  Debbie is her name.  Now we had her and her fine husband in our home.  What a sweet reunion!  I asked her yesterday when walking with her and her husband, Dean, on the road  with all the many beautiful autumn colors around us:  “Have you been a Christian, since you were a little girl?”  -  “No”, she said and told me her story:

“I was having an argument with a girl friend about the Bible.  I was 17 at that time.  Coming from a Christian home I defended the things of the Bible.  My girl friend said:  “Of course you do, because you already believe in all this.”  -  But this was not true.  I was not a believer.  So I said to her, “I don´t believe more than you do!”  And Debbie went on:  “Next day as I was in the shower I thought very much of my talk with my girl friend and what I´d said.  Suddenly, from my heart, I cried out to God:  “Lord, I do believe!”  And at that very moment, I was saved, born again, so I soon called on my girl friend and told her what had happened and that I now believe.”

I rejoiced with tears.  What a simple testimony.  Not two conversions are alike.  But was it too “easy”?  No, with her mouth´s confession she quit her unbelief and sided openly with that Lord who had died openly – in full public - for her.  That didn´t take long.  Oh, what a saving power there is in a mouth´s confession, when the heart has already been convicted and convinced.

“Maybe it´s only your confession that´s lacking”, an uncle said to his niece (relatives of mine) who very much wanted to believe, but didn´t manage.  She later told me, “He was right. He hit the nail on the head and I confessed with my lips what I believed in my heart.”  In good old days this often helped anxious souls unto joyful assurance of salvation.  It still does.

Consider what Rom. 10:9-10 has to say about it.


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(2. Tim. 3:16)