Forside Articles An Attempt to Convey the Providence of God
An Attempt to Convey the Providence of God Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Alan Navaratnam   
Mandag, 21. februar 2022 10:21

The words ”the providence of God” are easy to translate into my Danish language.  The German word “die Vorsehung” was abused by Hitler, when he bragged of “die Vorsehung” when he was successful. The Germans are hardly prone to use that word today because of the Nazis.

However, it conveys an encouraging truth to every child of God submitted to His loving will.  My Webster´s dictionary defines it as  “divine guidance and care” which is very much to the point.  We may brood and grieve over ourselves, but still the cleansing blood of Jesus is there!

I´m often reminded of what Ex. 28:38 says about “the iniquity (sins) of the holy things” which I apply to my own sins that would often cleave to the holy gifts (of grace).  But the High Priest (depicting Jesus) is there, too,  with provision made for our sins..

Matth. Henry writes, “We cannot but be conscious to ourselves of much iniquity cleaving to our holy things” yes, for our sins are more sticky than we know.  But we may moment by moment avail ourselves of the fact that “the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin.”  (1 John 1:7)

And I take comfort in the comprehensive faith chapter in Hebr.11 that says nothing about the failures of those heroes of faith – and yet the providence of God prevailed.  The chapter was not written to give us an interesting historical account but for our encouragement “in the race that is set before us”  (Hebr. 12:1) – a race to be run without condemnation “sprinkled with His blood” (1 Pet. 1:2).

And so the obedient and pliable child of God may likewise rest in the providence of God the divine plan of which will be perfected “until the day of Christ”  (Phil. 1:6).  Do you know of any other rest ? - I don´t at least.

Febr. 11, 2022 - jn

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