Forside Articles Well Meant Attempts to Make the World Better
Well Meant Attempts to Make the World Better Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Alan Navaratnam   
Mandag, 08. november 2021 10:02

My contention is that nobody is as clear-sighted on the prospects of this world as the Christians – I mean Christians reborn by God´s Spirit and God´s word, so “cultural” Christians without a saving experience with Christ are ruled out. 

The big summits on discussing how to make this world a better place to live at, e.g. by drastic climate changes, will all be a dead end.  A friend of mine in PA, a Christian mayor, was approached by an organization who wanted to have him enlisted in their naïve program the aim of which was to make the world better.  He bluntly said,  “If you think you can do that, you are smarter than God!”  And he was right.

The Bible says,  “The whole frame of this world is passing away” (1 Cor. 7:31) – in my Bible it says, “The world is heading for its final destruction” – and similar Bible words could be quoted.  None of them call for “making the world better-conferences”.  The call of God is “Be saved from this perverse generation!”  (Acts 2:40).  Discussions and financial plans to improve the environment the world over will end in failure.

Christians enlightened by the Spirit see all that very clearly, and so our mission is – missions!  In other words,  preaching the gospel and fulfilling this solemn ministry by “doing the work of an evangelist.”  (2 Tim. 4:5).

Are you confined to chained circumstances because of say personal ailments?  I am,, “but the word of God is not imprisoned” (2 Tim. 2:9).  The chained apostle Paul could say that from his prison and sill rejoice “in the heavenlies”.  What a privilege, indeed, and “my cup overflows!”

Nov. 1, 2021 - jn   

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