Forside Articles A Communicator of Living Water While Our Hourglass Is Running Out
A Communicator of Living Water While Our Hourglass Is Running Out Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Alan Navaratnam   
Mandag, 23. august 2021 13:08

Because of my high age I´ve been much focused on how my frail body is decaying (2 Cor. 4:16) soon to be replaced by “an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison.”  (2 Cor. 4:17).  In my younger days I didn´t think much in those terms.  The words were rather something like beautiful poetry.  In my old age they have  now a realistic bearing.

I just had a meeting with my bank counselor, a younger woman in her forties who explained some bank matters to me. Her British husband had a past life as a Jehovah´s witness, so she sympathized with my gospel testimony.  “I know I´ve been dwelling much on deathl”, I said, “but a word has just been given me about LIFE, so I shared with her Ps. 118:17, “I shall not die, but live and tell of the works of the Lord!”

Then followed abt. one hour´s conversation on spiritual matters and about the self-experienced life in Christ, and I left her with the prayer that the Holy Spirit will graciously do the follow-up work in her heart.

So this was also my prayer for a man married to an Irish woman.  They called on us a couple of days ago.  He usually want to argue with me in a rather stubborn way.  This time he suddenly said, “I do want to believe and become like you, but I can´t!”  So now the story got a different slant, and I´m praying that he´ll  go to see me again like another Nicodemus who came to Jesus alone by night with an anxious heart crying for help.

What a privilege to be an imperfect communicator of Life (with capitol letters!) to be, by His grace, a “well of water springing up to eternal life.”

O, our call is to be “wells”, not theologians with dead head knowledge.

August 23, 2021 - jn

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