Forside Articles The Solution
The Solution Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Alan Navaratnam   
Fredag, 13. august 2021 18:45

I just discussed with a friend the sad situation in the U.S.  Our talk ended up with no happy conclusion.  I think that made both of us sad.

Next morning I was reminded of the fact that the heart of the riots in Washington and elsewhere is not the different opinions, but rebellion  against God despite the slogan, “In God we trust.”  The root of it all is sin.

“…the whole world lies in the power of the evil one, but we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding in order that we might know Him who is true…”  1 Joh. 5:19-20

The little word “but” (Greek: “de”) has been omitted in most Bibles, but in our old Bibles it´s there all right.  It´s a blessed “but”:

The world is tied up with Satan, but the Son of God has come and gave us  an inner understanding and assurance about Christ and His mission to this sinful world. His Spirit convicted us, contrary to the world´s wisdom.

If the problems could be solved by a talented politician or the like, God could have sent such a man to us instead of His own Son.  But praise God, the gospel overpowered us by His Spirit and gave us saving understanding and conviction.  Here´s our focus, and we should boldly make it known!

Most of the knowledgeable, Bible taught Christians are not doing that, and yet you need no university degree say to a bewildered world: “The solution is already there Jesus Christ!” He has come!”   But how much has that gospel transformed our Christian lives?

Let´s remember these three points of Francis Schaefer´s simple theology: The gospel is true, you may by experience know it´s true, and its truth applies to every area in our lives.

Jan. 13, 2021 - jn

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