At an early stage of my Christian life the Bible with all its admonitions often became a law book to me, the standard of which I couldn´t live up to. I went through such days till it pleased God to reveal anew the gospel of Christ in all His grace to my starving soul. That I shall never forget. It nowexperienced how the Holy Spirit again and again kept revealing Christ to me in all His sufficiency. Even through the “heavy” studies about the tabernacle of old, my eye are opened “to behold wondrous things (i.e. about Christ) out of your law”. (Ps 119:18) I´m sure this is your experience too, dear brother and sister who feed and feast on the God breathed Holy Scriptures. I once asked a young, Norwegian girl what had become most important to her during a Bible course at one of New Tribes Mission´s Bible schools. She said unhesitatingly, “It was the fact that the Bible is a connected whole”. I liked that. And our Lord Jesus Christ fills in that whole. Even at the foot of the legalistic Sinai we get a gospel glimpse by the mentioning of an “altar” where the blood was applied - “the blood of the covenant” (Ex. 24:6, 8), right there and on the people too, which foreshadowed the sprinkling of the blood of Christ (1 Pet. 1:2) that cleanses from all sin. So even at Sinai the gospel can´t be hidden. The older I get the more conscious I am about entering the nearness of God and His “the holy places by the blood of Jesus” (Hebr. 10:19). Finally, it´s one thing to sing about it as an established creed, it´s a different thing to stand before God “without one plea” where the one rescue left is Christ and His redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our sins (Eph. 1:7). In fact the Bible is soaked with that gospel and may our anointed eyes see it and be bold about it. - Jan. 18, 2021 - jn