Forside Articles A Building Without Any Shoddy Construction
A Building Without Any Shoddy Construction Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Alan Navaratnam   
Fredag, 13. august 2021 10:47

Grace is in Ps. 89:2 referred to as a “building”.  The Danish Bible says, “Grace is an everlasting building”.  I like that.

That building will never collapse due to some shoddy construction or a weak foundation.  O, my relationship to God is, as it were, a “grace building”, so I shall not collapse because grace itself will not collapse

I once as student in America fellowshipped with other students to whom grace wasn´t just cheap, emotional poetry.  No, it was our healing balm day by day, and even if a joyless and sassy legalism sometimes crept in to bind and choke us, it was always free grace that made us smile again.

It´s true that “grace” by religious people has been cheaply perverted into  sinful practice which Jude, the brother of James and servant of Christ, solemnly warns against (Jude v. 4).  His words are still relevant today.

Our state church has that very word in their dead church rituals in which my people throng to death without any saving experience with Christ.

“Amazing Grace” is a wonderful hymn, but I´ve noticed how it has been incorporated in modern concerts in line with various pop numbers.  However, we shouldn´t  “throw the baby out with the bath water” but still preach the gospel of grace for repentant sinners.

I admit that as a babe in Christ, where faith had just come “from hearing the word of Christ” (Rom. 10:17), I knew very little of “grace abounding”, but as I grew up  I learned to love its healing balm.  Now I can´t live one day without its reality.  We meet on its premises, don´t we?

April 27, 2021

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