Forside Artikler King JESUS or King Soccer?
King JESUS or King Soccer? Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Alan Navaratnam   
Fredag, 13. august 2021 10:14

I wish to make one humiliating concession.  As an old soccer player myself the current European championship easily seizes power on me. Old idols thus oust the lordship of Jesus in me.  This will be appreciated by only those with soccer experience.  So for some critical days it all boiled down to Jesus or soccer, i.e. those two “kings” opposed to each other.

The Lord graciously prevailed by confronting me with the worldwide sway of homosexuality and LBGT which the ruling authorities at various places  welcome by a shameless flying of the rainbow flag  as a tribute to the so called “human rights”  acclaimed by the soccer world too.

(The UEFA leadership is against it though).

When I saw that abominable sin praised by various celebrities, including our own coach, The Holy Spirit immediately got the upper hand making me shamefully say, “Enough is enough” and I felt like saying with the Scotsman who came home to his wife as a saved man and wanted to pray with her, but words failed him, so all he could say was what he used to shout when his king passed by, “Long live the King! Long live King Jesus!”

“The wrath of man shall praise Thee” (Ps. 76:10), and the Lord used the wrath and rebellion against God´s holy laws to renew my heart in a similar praise to my Savior, the Lord of lords and the King of kings whose glory outshines the short-lived glory of this doomed world.

June 23, 2021 - jn

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