Forside Articles How am I? Who am I? Do you really want to know?
How am I? Who am I? Do you really want to know? Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Lørdag, 05. december 2020 11:00

I´m being approached by women, who put the same question to me as the Americans like to do over there.  They kindly say, how are you?   These are but habitual, empty words, for they don´t mean what they say.

But I would often say, “I´m happy!  And do you know why?”  And I testify of Christ as the true source of my joy.  Then comes the next question, “Who are you?” and we go on from there. It´s such a joy to tell them what I´ve found in the crucified and risen Jesus who is always present with me.

Young women from abroad send me pictures trying to impress me with their beautiful, sexy looks, but I´m a married man,, and I shun what could easily lead to adultery. Many don´t realize that we´re living in an insane sex obsessed world where sex has become a “charming” way of life, even among high ranked people on government level.

When Jesus came into my life the Bible caught me too in a new, glorious way. The poetry and drama literature used to captivate me, but now the Bible became my new, thrilling experience its central topic being Christ and His work of salvation.  I just read this morning about John the Baptist whom God chose to be His witness, set forth in John 1:19-23.  Do read it!

The authorities of the day asked him, “Who are you? What do you say about yourself?” He was a “voice” only with a simple message of Christ he said. O, gibberish talk to some, and to you too maybe. But they are not, and as you honestly and quietly go to God about it, His love and care for you will soon be revealed and felt in your own unbelieving heart.

“Couldn´t you come and enlarge on all that, a Jewish friend asked me.  He used to be a member of our government.  So I came.  I read some key words from Isaiah 53 before he died. Try do that yourself dear friend!

The greatest adventure with Christ in your life is still waiting for you!

Dec. 2, 2020 - jn

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(2. Tim. 3:16)