Forside Articles It happened…!
It happened…! Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Lørdag, 05. december 2020 10:55

Those two words in the Bible fascinate me and may they throw light on what really matters.

The apostle Paul said those two words about his initial conversion and faith in Christ.  No greater message has ever been told, and how its good news came into Paul´s life we are told in the well known story about his journey to Damascus.  He said, “It happened that suddenly there shone from Heaven a great light…”  (Acts 22:6).  Very dramatic, indeed.

The essential part of  what he said was,  “It happened!”  These are the key words to any Christian that has had a crucial encounter with Jesus Christ.  That saving experience is not the same with all Christians.  The apostle Peter had a different, rather quiet encounter with Christ when his brother quietly and calmly brought him  to Jesus (John 1:42).

But both could say as the happy heading of their “watershed” experience, “It happened!”

My friend, Ian Paisley, the departed prime minister in Belfast, Northern Ireland (also called Ulster), was once asked by a journalist, “What is the greatest thing that has happened in your life?”  His answer was, “It was when my mother led me to Christ as a 6 years old child!”  It happened without great, dramatic gestures, but it did happen!

I myself was 14, and my quiet testimony can be boiled down to what is said in Rom. 10:17:  “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.”  It came to me, but I didn´t come to the faith.  I just heard the message, and then faith came.  That´s all. -  Now I ask you, has Christ happened in your life?  A lot of things have happened in your life, but what about Christ?  Has He  happened in your life?

Nov. 29, 2020 - jn


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