Forside Poetry Your Cause Is Good!
Your Cause Is Good! Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Søndag, 30. august 2020 06:40

Tune:  Have Thine own way, Lord…

Thank You, o Lord, for this early dawn,

Where to Your word I once more is drawn,

Your Holy Spirit gives me new light,

That makes the Bible smiling and bright!

I´m not exempted for frailties,

Precious it is though still to be His,

My blunders all belong to the past,

Your cross in future always stands fast!

Nay, worldly leaders are seeking hope,

With unknown ailments they cannot cope,

They scold each other with mud slinging too,

Saying a lot which just isn´t true!

Our choice is Christ, for this worldly fame

Will chill the heart that God set aflame,

The gospel´s zeal we want most of all,

God´s business is on earth our call!

Hail, brethren, lo your cause is just good,

Hold your head high, you royal priesthood,

Your King is coming, so do rejoice,

Praise Him aloud with jubilant voice!

8/22/20 - jn

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”Ethvert skrift er indblæst af Gud”

(2. Tim. 3:16)