Forside Articles A Quest For an Answer
A Quest For an Answer Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Mandag, 04. november 2019 08:30

Let me put this in broken English as the majority of my compatriots will understand me too.  However, the apathy among us is great, and I´m not exempted from that myself.  Satan is by far not apathetic, but fights us with many spiritual weapons of which the apathetic spirit of this age is busy paralyzing us with all our religious forms, church games, habitual thinking and life style.

All this suddenly struck me anew as I yesterday went home after an informal gathering with young and adult people in an Arabic home that had invited me and my wife.  They wanted "Bible teaching", but I was soon confronted with questions that freely popped up in the minds of precious young people.
"Is there a life after death?" - "Do you really take your Bible with you wherever you go?"- "What is your education?" - "How old are you?" - "How is the earth like, flat or ball-shaped?" - And there were questions they meet among non-believing school mates.  Etc., etc. 

The youngsters did something to my own thinking.  I began to pray differently for them, and even my private Bible reading became different, more practical and less theological and generated new thoughts.  Even my wife who is not always "super" keen on having a lot of people in our modest home, now became excited about opening our home for all those "new" oriental Danes (and conventional Danes too).

"What our Iraqi hostess did, we can do too", she said talked about inviting  more people this coming Sunday. O, may His wind blow this way, too!

Here we are, old and fragile being just part of  old- timers with a worn out  vocabulary (yawn, yawn!) that really amounts to very little when facing a rising generation.  Or what? Questions like that disturb the tranquility, my prayer life, and my spiritual cocksureness.  And it makes me want to "remain in the flesh"  (Phil. 1:24) a little bit longer to meet the challenge of the youth that thirsts for a true and lasting answer. I´m sure you do too!

November 4, 2019 - jn

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