Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen
Søndag, 03. november 2019 08:40 |
Yesterday was another day of blessing. My wife and I saw an old missionary, Jacob Sode (95) in his home abt. 30 miles away. When I share a blessing with him he would spontaneously respond with a smiling "hallelujah".
He´s bodily weak now, but is blessed with loving helpers. His wife passed away two years ago . I´ve known him for more than 50 years. I wisely let him talk, for with old people can´t expect to have their full attention very long because of their age. That I sometimes forget.
He and his wife launched out with their two small children in 1959 to be missionaries in Papua New Guinea with no organization behind them. On their way to PNG they applied for the fellowship with New Tribes Mission in Australia, but its ultra Calvinistic leader soon asked them to leave their fellowship because of trifle, doctrinal matters.
Jacob was now approached by an Australian assembly who offered him and his family a cottage. That led surprisingly to another dear brother who had started a work with a tribe in the bush in PNG. There he and his wife started out and many blessings followed for the next 27 years. He then had to quit for health reasons and continued his ministry in Port Moresby, the capital, where the climate is better. He now had gospel work with the local prison.
He and his wife adopted a poor baby from the Ialibu tribe from total misery and called him David, sent him to school and later as a well educated man he had a high position with the PNG administration. I met him recently as he visited his father, and it was such a blessing to fellowship with him. Jacob kept quoting Rom. 8:28 as a testimony of God´s overruling grace throughout his dramatic life. We left him after abt. 1½ hours, and I had a fresh blessing - with Rom. 8:28 ringing in my ears.
On our way to Jacob I talked to a fine woman I met as a tourist in an old historic church. "It was no mere coincidence", she suggested deeply touched. Indeed, Rom. 8:28 proves that. Hallelujah!
November 3, 2019 - jn