Forside Articles A Day of Joy
A Day of Joy Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Søndag, 11. oktober 2009 14:41

"Those who received his word were baptized…”  (Acts 2 :41)

Yesterday, Sunday, ”my true child in the faith”, Robert, was baptized.  Praise God!

The Lord has been extremely gracious during my stay over here.  When I cam 10 months ago, I started from scratch, and it pleased the Lord to let me lead this precious soul to Christ.  I also got connected to a group of fine gentlemen for weekly bible study, and I still fellowship with them.

I came over again 3 weeks ago – again starting from scratch.  “Lord, what is your good will this time?  And what about Robert whom I´ve been praying for?”

A newly started friendship with a Christian neighbor led me to the friendship with a small, soulwinning Baptist church, where the teaching is very solid and biblical.  In fact that kind of ministry has top priority in that fellowship.  There´s a lot of good singing where the whole congregation takes part from a common hymn book, which I personally think is the best way of singing worship contrary to the popular platform performances.

Yesterday Robert went with me and my wife to that church which has Sunday school for adults and then the service itself.  In both cases we listened to very good and sober teaching.  Robert was very much affected.  The new life in him was hungry for God´s word which is certainly a healthy sign.
Right after the service Robert expressed his wish to be baptized which happened in the evening.  It was a solemn and happy moment and the whole church rejoiced.  Robert has now found his spiritual home, and as far as I´m concerned, this is really an answer to my prayers.  So I can only say that yesterday was in truth a day of joy and relief.  My cup overflows, and we give all the glory to our God. – Pray, if you will, for dear Robert.

Now, Robert and I both feel that this is only the beginning.  More blessings lie ahead.  Soli Deo Gloria!


May 4, 2009

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