Forside Poetry The Spring Has Come!
The Spring Has Come! Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Onsdag, 20. februar 2019 10:39

Tune:  Beneath the cross of Jesus...

O, praise our great Creator,
for lo, the spring has come,
the blackbirds are all busy soon,
the bees do gladly hum,
the lark that warbles in the air
up high with God alone,
and its song of praise composed up there,
we on earth make our own!

The spring with all its newborn life
points to that paradise,
that in His love God has prepared
as His unique devise!
The earth despite its sinfulness
is full of beauty still,
but its real beauty at its best
to my heart is Calv´ry´s hill!

Christ in His risen glory
my eyes shall one day see,
then at my death and grave I´ll laugh
as from its pit I flee,
before His Throne arrayed in white
my wounds will then be healed,
in the heav´nly light I clearly see
what on earth was not revealed!

And to my small Gethsemane
I´ll quietly resort,
God help me there to feed upon
His word that has me taught
to pray in earnest and expect
Him soon to intervene
in a world that Jesus does reject
on this short-term godless scene!

Febr. 20, 2019 - jn

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(2. Tim. 3:16)