Forside Articles Heading for God´s Judgment?
Heading for God´s Judgment? Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Søndag, 11. oktober 2009 14:31

”To us belongs open shame, to our kings, to our princes and to our fathers, because we have sinned against you.”  (Dan. 9:8)”

In his speech to the Turkish parliament on April 6th 2009 Barack Obama said:

"We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world - including in my own country."

His words make us shudder.  We still love America with its Christian heritage that once came to us from the Founding Fathers.  Obama has now given Islam an inch, but it will greedily take a yard, nay the whole country, if it can.

The US  has still its watchmen on the walls of Zion, but is it enough?  Are we heading for God´s judgment upon the most privileged nation of all, for bending the knee for Islam God will not let go unpunished.  Wasn´t Jefferson who once said, ”I tremble for this nation when I think that God is just.”
What should we do?  Is it time for ”business as usual” in the thousands of churches?  Or should we rather skip the noisy and  ecstatic platform performances and get down to business with God on our knees in intercession and humble confession of our own sins and neglects which Daniel did (see his chapter 9).

This is also the message to Europe with its old backslidden, Christian nations. We may not prevent God´s righteous judgment, but at least we should follow the example of Daniel.  Or is there “a still more excellent way” for the Christian church and us as individuals?


May 5, 200

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