What Would I Do In Trump´s Shoes? |
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen
Tirsdag, 23. oktober 2018 04:04 |
Suppose I were a salesman during World War 2 marketing good Danish furniture. Suppose Nazi-Germany wants to give me a huge contract about my furniture for all its Nazi offices in their government and in the administration of the concentration camps in Germany and abroad.
Wouldn´t it be human to think this way, I´m a salesman, not a politician, I do business not politics, and if I don´t sell to the Nazis somebody else will. In business we´re not naive Sunday school teachers, but are called upon to protect our own the economic interests and put them first.
Am I prostituting myself? I am, but it´s human, isn´t it?
That´s what Trump does. A huge contract about weapons is at stake if he stands up and confronts Saudi-Arabia with its "fake news" and lies about the tragic fate of Jamal Kashoogi. Alas, he preferred to accept the stories of the corrupt Arabian kingdom and thus save his huge billion contract.
This is human, and I don´t want to throw stones. I knowl my own deceitful nature too well. So what would I do in Trump´s shoes?
You may say, Well, this is not my table. What Trump and Saudi-Arabia do, is their business. I want to mind my own business.
Maybe you are wrong. There are cases where you, facing the eternity, should speak up and like Paul, the ambassador of Christ, confront the political leadership with the eternal issues about "righteousness and self-control and the coming judgment" (Acts 24:26). That of course didn´t change anything, but it did confirm Paul in his high calling the parole of which was "Christ first" even to the point of chains and prison.
I´m now old and am soon dying. So are you. And so is Trump despite all his power. A "coming judgment" is at hand. The battle lines are drawn up for us as "ambassadors for Christ" (2 Cor. 5:20). Need I say more?
Oct. 23, 2018 - jn