Forside Articles Don´t Let the Election Rob You of the Gospel´s Agenda!
Don´t Let the Election Rob You of the Gospel´s Agenda! Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Onsdag, 02. november 2016 04:11

It is exciting what´s "on" these days just a few days before the election day.  But don´t let it interfere with the excitement of the gospel.  We may be a regular churchgoers and the like without being on fire for Christ.

Pause a moment and remember how you were saved with God´s presence in your life craving for more of Him!  He gave you a new "platform" before a watching world - not a showy election platform, in fact you didn´t make a show, and yet you wanted to show Christ.

On Nov. 7, the day before the election, Billy Graham will be 98, God willing.  "Do the work of an evangelist", was his message at a big conference in Amsterdam 1972.  The fire  burned in him and hopefully caught on others, for "fire cannot be taught, it must be caught" .

I have modest fellow believers call me that want some practical means to spread the gospel (small things I use myself).  They are not on any stage, are no big television personalities or distinguished orators, but they run an ongoing campaign for the cause of the gospel and the kingdom of God that by far supersedes any election contest.

The apostle Paul called that a spiritual warfare (2 Cor. 10:4).  Some Christian friends would focus on political issues, the unjust laws of our country (Isa. 10:1) and even sue our rulers.  They mean it so well, but that is not our job as I see it from the word of God.  We should always root out all evils of our Christian fellowship, if possible, but our business is not to wage war against the state or any "outsiders" (1 Cor. 5:12), but to be good soldiers, gospel soldiers, for Jesus Christ.

My close Tamil friend/brother (and IT mentor), Alan, will be busy on Sunday with his collection box (Red Cross). He challenged me to go with him and press so and so any door bells in order for me to hand out our beautiful American designed calendar for 2017 with key words from the Bible.  "In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening do not withhold your hand"  (Eccl. 11:6).  Isn´t that exactly what the political campaigners do these days?  Should the gospel campaigners be less committed?

Nov. 2, 2016 - jn

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