Forside Articles "I Shall Return!"
"I Shall Return!" Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Onsdag, 14. september 2016 08:25

I´m sure most of us are familiar with those bold words of  MacArthur proclaimed in 1942 when l left his troops on the Philippines.  He did victoriously return in 1945.

These were also our Savior´s words when parting with His disciples, "I will come again" (Joh. 14:3),- indeed,  what a battle cry!

On the Lord´s coming there have  been theological disputes.  What will be the order of events?  What does the word explicitly say?  What are our "logical" inferences?  I frankly admit that I´m among those who have  "updated" my theological position as I began asking honest questions in the light of the word of God.  And yet we agree on preaching His coming.

It´s my experience that it´s possible to proclaim the Lord´s coming without being polemic with an "important" know-all attitude. Our focus  is not on a system, but on Him, who´s coming!  Not on our correct understanding of eschatology, but on Him who is our "blessed hope".

He and not the man made charts of prophecy is the One the eyes of faith is resting on.  The fact that He is coming is what matters. MacArthur´s soldiers were not sure how he would bring it all about, but what was really their concern was himself and the strength of his promise.

In our N.T. the Lord´s coming is mentioned abt. 300 times we´re told.  So it should be part of our gospel preaching. In 1 John 3:2 we read "And everyone who has this hope resting on Him cleanses himself just as He is pure."  That´s how "The Amplified Bible" puts it.  I like that.  Our hope is resting on Him who´s coming, not on heavy doctrinal schemes.

That hope affects our lives.  And it is also a powerful incentive to witnessing and missions.  I´m sure Billy Graham felt that power when he shared with Winston Churchill some key words on the Lord´s coming when the great statesman asked the young evangelist in 1954 what his answer would be for the world of tomorrow. They then prayed together.

Let´s follow Billy´s good example at this juncture where the world and its leaders try to find rest on vain hopes and promises

 Sept. 14, 2016- jn

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