Forside Articles Witnessing to the Nones.
Witnessing to the Nones. Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Søndag, 11. september 2016 09:07

It fell to my lot to do witnessing among the "nones" , i.e. the spiritually indifferent fellow-countrymen, that are rapidly growing.  Just like in America. The only difference between our two nations is the fact that more than 70% of our population are members of our national church named "The Evangelical Lutheran Church", formally only.
 This is not be deplored as our national church has little gospel and little Luther, but a lot of dead rituals and ministers without any relationship to the Bible which to Martin Luther was the alpha and omega.

In America there´s no national church, but the Founding Fathers wanted  the Bible to be cherished  without favoring any church, which was a healthy thing.  America became by far the richest channel of world missions.  But the "nones" are today taking over like in Denmark.

Europe is being high-speed dechristianized.  Africa with its one billion population is turning to Christ in great numbers and want to reach out with the gospel - even to the nones in Europe.

However, it also became my joy to share the gospel with new Iranian contacts.  One married couple is of Moslem faith.  Another couple is not affiliated to any religion ("nones"), and one family is Christian.  I feel humbled here on frosty  ground.  And yet my job was to minister  in a Moslem home last night looking at attentive listeners.  My text was "Ica" (Jesus) "Tamon-shod" ("It is finished!")  which was repeated again and again in Persian, and though nothing happened, the seed was sown, and the urgency of the gospel was revived in my often downhearted heart.

I don´t think it´s time for noisy church shows on sophisticated platforms, but to sow the seed, maybe with tears (Ps. 126:6) at eye level before the Lord calls us home.  After all our job is not to entertain or make the world better by any political program, but to lift up Christ and His gospel as God´s last ultimatum to a lost world.

Sept. 11, 2016 - jn

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