Forside Articles Darwin or Gud?
Darwin or Gud? Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 09. oktober 2009 17:46

”The fool has said in his heart:  There is no God!””  (Psa. 53:1)

Darwinism is these days, 200 years after Darwin´s birth, proclaimed all over as the absolute, scientific truth.  Darwinism is the true light that is supposed to drive out the medieval darkness from our poor creationist way of thinking!

Evolutionism is the shaky base of the atheists.  In the public debate they hiss at me till their voices get hoarse as a crow.  They don´t disturb my night´s sleep though.  On the contrary I take the liberty of laughing as God does from His Throne.  Psa. 2:4.  I believe you may safely consult the following noble website: where bible believing and competent researchers give good biblical and repudiating answers to the atheistic view.

Yes, I laugh, but my heart also rejoices in this God of ours, who created the world by His word (Hebr. 11:3),  oh yes,  ”He spoke, and it was done, He commanded and it stood fast” (Psa. 33:9), nay, by the word of the gospel and His Spirit He was able to make even poor me “a new creature in Christ” 2 Cor. 5:17.

If you can testify to that personal miracle in your life, you have no problems in worshipping the God of creation and wonders.

How long does it take God to make something out of nothing?  No longer than it takes for Him to speak and command.  How long did it take Him to change plain water into the best vintage wine?  You know the answer.  An atheistic scientist would object, “Impossible!  That wine must be old!”  No, just a few minutes old.

Don´t you think that God the Almighty could do the same with the earth and its manifold life?  He did it with even a holy sense of humor, I believe.  In a split-second He´s able to make an unbeliever, even an atheist, a happy worshipper.  Or what do you think?  Has the new creature in Christ, the born again believer, evolved through a complicated spiritual process – from one primitive stage till he finally became super spiritual?  Nonsens, the height of nonsens !  Oh, beloved friends, He spoke, and He commanded “Light shall shine out of darkness” and in our darkened hearts it happened in a split-second! Praise Him!

May this devotional piece gladden your heart and make you rejoice in the God of wonder and His word of truth.  Praise God, there are godly scientists who believe in the God of the Bible.  The tragedy in the confessing church is the fact that so few know that Book of Truth and so they easily become victims of emotionalism, speculative nonsense and clouded philosophical thinking.  Be deeply rooted in the gospel of Christ and you´ll easily subject the foolish Darwinism while the Lord will grant you a good and healthy and holy laugh, too!


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”Ethvert skrift er indblæst af Gud”

(2. Tim. 3:16)