Forside Articles Persia Coming to Our Sitting Room!
Persia Coming to Our Sitting Room! Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Tirsdag, 28. juni 2016 12:10

Our modest home again had the joy of meeting with Iranian non-Christian friends, i.e. a young unmarried couple now living in Copenhagen and her parents from Teheran, now on vacation in Denmark.

It´s exciting.  I´m on fertile ground.  I needed the precious Holy Spirit to help me as I used their  young daughter as my interpreter. But her Danish is still insufficient, so I had to use very simple words.  Still very exciting, indeed, in an atmosphere of love, the love of Christ.

I told them in simple words how enthused I am about Persia (Iran) and how I love to read in our Bible about Cyrus and the good things he did for the Jewish people (Cyrus is still a national hero in Iran).  And I told them about "the wise men from the east" (probably from Persia) seeking "the King of the Jews".  I had liberty to tell them who He is s, Jesus (in the Farsi language called "Ica") and the fact that contrary to Cyrus He lives today!

"Now, as the wise men  went home (to Persia) warned by God about the route to take, we don´t hear more about Persia - and yet, today Persia has come to us!"  My joy was catching, and the young woman (daughter of the visiting married couple from Teheran) did a good job translating.

In parting I wanted to give our visitors from Teheran a new  Testament in their language.  They said to me with a sad look, "We are not allowed to take it into our country, we may be punished!" I was sad too and urged  them to read as much as possible till we meet again in a few days.

My young interpreter had coveted my prayers about an examination last week.  God was pleased to let her have a fine mark.  "Allow me to say a prayer of thanks for that", I suggested, and they wholeheartedly agreed with me. -   Indeed, you thus witness by your words and by your presence, and the Holy Spirit vitalizes that "witnessing program", doesn´t He?

28.6.16 - jn

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