Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen
Mandag, 27. juni 2016 03:02 |
When I now read that America´s possible next president Hillary Clinton is marching along with the homosexual N.Y. parade to show her sympathy with that abomination under God´s severe judgment, I feel extremely sad.
Donald Trump would hopefully not degrade himself by keeping step with that colorful show of sin, but he seems flimsy on that issue being not born again himself. Our Western world is waiting in vain for a statesman who has the courage to say what the Italian Rocco Buttiglione, a catholic candidate for a commissioner post in Bruxelles in 2004, said about homosexual practice (which in EU is a "human right"), "It is sin!"
He was immediately fired and sent home to Italy.
I don´t think anybody can be elected if he openly says what Mr Buttiglione did 12 years ago. He may be "against" same sex marriages, but he would soon dig his own grave if he dare call it sin.
I wish I had a word of encouragement to my American (and also my Scandinavian) friends. Permit me to illustrate my point with an event from my very young days in PA. It once came to a severe "clash" between a "strong" leader and myself on doctrines, and he won. Another leader was asked by some friends, "Who was right? Was it Jørn or...?" They got that fine answer, "God was right!"
Is that the answer? Yes, it is. God has the answer, not any politician. It´s our duty to pray for our rulers, but we look to the Throne right now. The world is in wickedness, but "we know that the Son of God has come, and He has given us an understanding that we may know Him who is true, and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life." (1 John 5:19-20).
These good words may be highlighted on big screens in the church rooms along side with the pastor´s well prepared sermon, but it´s not enough. They will saturate our lives at our particular battle lines. Praise God!.
June 27, 2016 - jn