Forside Articles The Lord´s Supper and Baptism - What About it?
The Lord´s Supper and Baptism - What About it? Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Torsdag, 16. juni 2016 07:46

Let me try to be practical and down-to -earth without being polemic about a matter shrouded in mystery and confusion among churchgoers. I´m referring to the ordinances of the Lord´s Supper and the Baptism.

I believe that Satan has used both to delude many of my countrymen into a false security when grasping straws for religious peace, since the ordinances of  the Lord´s Supper and baptism imply a personal trust in Jesus Christ.  However, religious people apply themselves to these rites hoping to come to terms with God that way.  This is a lie from the pit!

A young man went once to a Christian meeting together with my son-in-law.  They had a "breaking of bread meeting", and when the bread came to him, he whispered, "What shall I do?"  My son-in-law whispered back, "Accept Christ and take part!"  Things were put right, for  the Lord´s Supper is for those only who have accepted Christ and now worship Him in happy fellowship with His redeemed people.  It is as simple as that.

H.A. Ironside writes about a similar case in CA where a Japanese business man who had for some time resisted the gospel, suddenly stood up at the Lord´s Supper, broke down in tears before the Lord and cried for salvation.  It was a blessed interruption, and everybody rejoiced.

That same man, now a follower of Christ, immediately asked to be baptized.  "Next Sunday" it was suggested.  He objected to that.  "Haven´t you said that Christ is coming soon?  So I don´t want to wait, I want to be baptized now!"  And that same day they went down to a local river to the waters of baptism which was witnessed by several business friends.

(I don´t want to argue about infant baptism as part of a covenant belonging to a godly Christian household.  I may even sympathize with it)

The point is that no church ceremony (in Denmark endorsed by a godless state) can replace a personal conversion and saving experience with Jesus Christ.  I don´t know how many times I´ve told a churchgoer, here or in the States, the "must" of coming to the place of the tax collector who prayed, "God, be merciful to me, a sinner!"  (Luke 18:13)

June 16, 2016 - jn

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