Our noble son-in-law, Ian, a Christian U.S. lawyer and a true prince of his rank and profession, gave me at his and his family´s arrival in Denmark less than a month ago a solid, condensed volume with the title “Introducing Christian Doctrine” by Millard J. Erickson, unknown to me, but doubtless of high standing within the body of Bible believing Christians.
I was immediately riveted. The title itself sounds a little “dry”, doesn´t it? However, I´ve embraced its godly pages as heavenly messengers. That wouldn´t impress my U.S. friends, I´m sure, as over there they have rich access to spiritually healthy literature on a scale that makes our heads over here swimming and feel dizzy.
So I´ve welcomed this American contribution to me, a poor “mediocre”, as the great doctrines of the Trinity, the power of God´s word, the person of Christ and His work, the Holy Spirit and His gifts, the church and its mission, the glorious perspective and unfolding of “The Last Things” (the so called “eschatology”) are presented in a Spirit of humility as an incentive to my own ministry and spiritual responsibility.
This may, as said, not impress you too much as you are often well fed with well prepared studies held forth from well prepared platforms, but in this European desert we welcome spiritual refreshments from abroad, for not everything coming from America is necessarily bad!
How can we repay America? Well, for my own part I hope to be among those that by the grace of God try to practice 2 Tim. 2:2 to show my gratitude. Though not sold on stagey performances in the streamlined church set-ups, I do want to join every marching soldier of Jesus Christ committed to His gospel of true health to a sick world. Do you know of any other answer to this hour of bewilderment? I don´t.
September 10, 2015,- jn