Forside Articles Why no Warmth of Welcome to Jesus?
Why no Warmth of Welcome to Jesus? Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Tirsdag, 26. maj 2015 02:54

“Behold I stand at the door and knock…”  Rev. 3:20.

Why is Jesus not let in?  After all His name is being stridently trumpeted from the platform behind that church door at which He is knocking!  Why does the apostle Paul warn against “another Jesus” in 2 Cor. 11:4?  Why so judgmental?  After all, and I repeat, His name is being preached with apparently supernatural power, eloquence and quick wit!

Why are the Christians in Corinth so critical about the ministry of Paul (1 Cor. 4:3)?  Did Paul have any right to reproach the Christians in Corinth for worldliness in most ironical terms (1 Cor. 4:8)? Shouldn´t he rather be happy that Jesus is still on their church program before a watching world?

The answer is that Jesus is a name we shouldn´t always accept at face value.  That precious name has been sadly abused and exploited as a means of religious feelings, happiness, solemn sentiments, recitals of poetry or even prayers, praises, singing, music, etc.

Indeed, He may still be left outside the door knocking and waiting for the response of a hungry heart.  “I will come to him and dine with him, and he with me…”  Notice how He approaches “him”, not the crowd.

I just talked to a young man I got rather close to, I believe.  Formally he´s a catholic, but he could be a member of any big church for that matter. He is religiously indifferent, and the whole church machinery doesn´t appeal to him at all, though he can´t avoid it because of some family traditions.  I confided in him and told him how I´ve been in the same predicament until I was found by One whose love captured my lost soul.

The conversation went on from there, and it struck me how meaningful a conversation like that can be contrary to religious people who are very hard to get close to because of their religious bulwark.  Religion can be a subtle inoculation against “the real thing”.

Do see to it, my friend that you´ve got it!

May 26, 2015 – jn

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