Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen
Søndag, 17. maj 2015 06:01 |
I shared with you yesterday what I was once asked me to remember, ”Speak well of Christ” just like ”Jonathan spoke well of David” (1 Sam. 19:4). A dear servant of God said, “I hide my face in my hands in guilt and shame, yet I will proclaim His Name!” I believe that makes sense to every honest follower of Christ.
It does to me at least. I see myself as a “wretched man” in myself and yet also liberated with no condemnation in Christ in that transcending sphere called “the law of the Spirit of life” (Rom. 8:2).
I had a witnessing “treat” at one of my “territories”, the American inspired “Starbucks” in this town. A heartwarming contact was made with a mother and her two beautiful girls (both 10), one was Portuguese (but grew up in England) and the other little girl was Italian. So exactly what the relationship was between the three I didn´t know.
One thing I knew, however, an opportunity was given me to “speak well of Christ” so I quoted Joh. 3:16 (with difficulty): “”Porque Deus amou o mundo, de tal maneira, que deu o seu Filho unigénito, paraque todo aquele que nele crê, nao pereca, mas tenha a vida eterna…” What a joy to speak well of Christ in a tongue I´d long ago forgotten.
And so that “celebrated” little company had my simple gospel card, that small folder in 5 languages, with a smiling picture of the Danish banner with its white cross which is a wonderful “object lesson” about Him who died on that cross for our sins.
But why am I not a sinless angel that mingles with the people? Wouldn´t that make my job much easier? You know the answer. An angel could not from own personal experience point to the cross where our sins were dealt with. “To God be the glory, great things He has done…” etc. Something to proclaim, or what do you think?
May 17, 2015 - jn