Hail America! Hail ye warriors on the walls of Zion! Be hailed every lonely “tree planted by the waters” of God´s life-giving word. Be bold now as Satan has “great wrath knowing that he has a short time” (Rev. 12:12).
Our zeal for being gathered on the basis of Mt. 18:20, thus practicing what the Bible calls “the fellowship of the Spirit” with all the sweetness that goes with it (Phil. 2:1) is under the satanic assail and siege.
Indeed, his masterpiece is not immorality, uncontrolled sex, murder and robbery (all that he conveniently delegates to his various ranks of “wicked hosts” in the heavenlies”, Eph. 6:12), but his real trump card is religious deception and soft sentiments in many angelic appearances with the overall objective of keeping our people happy, churchy, nice and religious without them getting “the real thing” with our Lord Jesus Christ.
Once we see that it´s meaningful to stand up for the gospel and our unity in Christ. It´s easy to have friends mail you expository pieces of theology, but it´s a different matter to get together, away from the PC screen with members of that “one body” to “drink” from its “Head”, 1 Cor. 12:13
Some break away from this gift of fellowship becoming obsessed with the flaws of their brethren, but this is the work of our “super-spiritual”, hypocritical enemy with all his wiles. The answer is not, as I´ve noticed in the streamlined, religious America, to join a noisy, “contemporary” church program “just for a change” to cultivate good feelings and the like, but rather to “stand” and do a good “footwork” on the grounds of Eph.6.
That should not be “over-spiritualized” however. It´s not about being a spiritual elitist, but rather to catch the gospel or an ambassador to make Christ known. This is really what spiritual warfare is about, isn´t it?
Our battle is often close to utter failure, and yet “in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” in fellowship with God´s very own. And for the cause of the gospel.
April 12, 2015, jn.