Forside Articles The Living, Free Bird
The Living, Free Bird Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Tirsdag, 24. februar 2015 06:18

”He shall set living bird free outside the city in the open field…”  Lev. 14:53

In what sense was that bird a free bird? Well, in the context here in Leviticus it was free because of the atonement.  Another bird let its blood, and the living bird was dipped in its blood (14:6) and then “let loose” or “set free”.  Right here the cleansing blood of Jesus is foreshadowed as the means of setting the sinner free.

I love that picture from Leviticus as I identify myself with the free bird atoned for and now ready for “the open field”.  Praise God, that´s me, and that´s you once you´ve trusted Him who has taken away your sin.  We may then, as it were, fly out in the open with the testimony of the good news and tell others what that blood has done for us.

Let your heart be gripped by that gospel, and your wings will soon be flapping to “go outside” and share Him with others.  You remember the verse in that simple song which has followed me from the days of my youth in America (“O, soul are you troubled and weary..):

His word shall not fail you He promised,
believe Him and all shall be well,
then go to a world that is dying
His love and salvation to tell!

Sometimes I was in America called “a lonely wolf”.  Indeed, I was as lonely as Jeremiah and other prophets, but at the same time I´m a free bird!  And so are you as long as you´ve fled to the cleansing blood of Jesus.

Sing loud with the body of Christ His praise, nay “the new song” (Rev. 5:9) then mount up your wings (Isa. 40:31) and “fly out”.  As we used to put it in my prime as a salesman, “The market is wide open!”

February 24, 2015 - jn

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