Forside Articles Visiting Bergen
Visiting Bergen Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 09. oktober 2009 09:38

”What on earth is a Dane doing in Bergen?”  The question was immediately put to me by a very sociable, Norwegian woman sitting next to me in the airplane.  She was married to a Dane and spoke Danish fluently.  She was going to Bergen to pick up her mother and bring her back with her to Denmark for Christmas.

“Just a moment, I like to have that loudspeaker stop before I tell you my story”, I said.  That made sense to her, and soon I had a wonderful opportunity to give my testimony and hand out my unavoidable little card.  The flight went almost too fast, as you can appreciate,  so we could have flown to America without the feeling of time.  I´m sure you know the situation.  You pray before you go that the Lord mayl lead you to someone you may share Christ with, right?

My return to Bergen after some time of absence was very thrilling.  I remember my 6 days´ stay at their big hospital 4 years ago when I had my last heart attack during a rally elsewhere in Norway and how they sent me on with an air ambulance to Denmark where I had my operation.  I shared all that with my co-passenger and told her how I could joyfully tell the surgeon not to worry if the surgery went wrong.  It only meant that I´d changed my address.  The Norwegian Danish-speaking woman laughed, and so did my surgeon friend, I remember, - and I laughed too.  Christ has made that possible in a wonderful way.

My very short stay was not for evangelizing, however.  Christian friends wanted me to minister for their edification three times, Saturday and Sunday, and then back to Copenhagen Monday morning.  What a joy to feel the warmth of genuine Christian fellowship among friends who were just interested in one thing and one thing only, the word of God and not any stagey entertainment of any sort.  Again Psa. 16:3 became a wonderful experience, “As for the saints who are on the earth, they are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight!”  Things like that cannot be explained, but have to be experienced.

The whole world has now become almost one big crisis centre.  The Greek word “crisis” actually means judgment.  Is our civilization and Christendom soon heading for God´s judgment?  Will God give us another Nineveh-call to repent?  (Jon. 1:2).  Let us encourage one another not to be shamed of the testimony of the gospel.  There is no other alternative before time is running out, is there?

Let´s be bold by land, at sea and in the air!


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