Forside Articles The Mark of True Greatness
The Mark of True Greatness Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Tirsdag, 28. oktober 2014 06:50

What is the mark of a great man?  His philosophy? His profound thoughts or writings? His vocabulary? His theology?  I´m not so sure.

I knew a “profound” preacher whom God took home some years ago. He loved our famous philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, but in an unhealthy way I´m afraid.  He couldn´t preach nor speak without quoting his good thoughts, which were not, however, meant to mould us into his image.  So you couldn´t just mingle with that preacher like you do with “the common people”.  You had to treat him with “humble” respect, uncritically. He was highly educated too, but how great was he really?

I find the celebrated English poet, Alfred Tennyson, far greater. He once asked an old Methodist woman what was the news. “Why, Mr. Tennyson, there´s one piece of news that I know – that Christ died for all men.”  He said to her, “This is old news, and good news, and new news!” They were on the same wavelength with no intellectual gap between them.

What should mark you and me is the simple fact that we have “been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13), close to Him. So when a gentleman in this neighborhood a few days ago sat down with me on a bench weeping because of wrecked marriage, his need was not philosophy, theology nor a profound vocabulary.  His need was the presence of someone who could point to Jesus.  That was the need of the Ethiopian, Philip was led to  (Acts 8:26-39).  His need was “the good news about Jesus” (Acts 8:35).

So don´t be a snob. Profound “big shots” may have an unhealthy influence on you that way, but not our Savior. In His company you´ll be like Philip. What other company is worthwhile?  I know of no other.

Oct. 28, 2014 – jn

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