Forside Poetry My Redemption, Foundation, Consolation
My Redemption, Foundation, Consolation Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Onsdag, 18. juni 2014 05:30

Tune:  A Mighty Fortress is our God…

Our God is God no matter what,
He puts to shame His scoffers,
despite their hatred and their plot
He still salvation offers
for sinners everywhere,
that trust Christ Jesus dare,
our sins He washed away,
for His shed blood did pay
for our free redemption!

God of the valleys and the hills  (1 Kings 20:28)
He does remain forever,
the roar of Satan poor me chills,
but kill me he will never,
God put on me His seal,
and at His throne I kneel,
I boldly Christ confess
as Victor, yes no less,
His cross is my foundation!

Take courage then ye feeble saints,
Christ is your Rock forever,
although your heart so often faints,
what can you from Him sever?
In grace you´ll upright stand
amidst the desert´s sand
despite its burning heat
upon your swollen feet,
Christ is your consolation!

June 18, 2014 – jn

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(2. Tim. 3:16)