Forside Articles By by Blessed America!
By by Blessed America! Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Tirsdag, 29. oktober 2013 22:48

Adios, adieu, auf Wiedersehen – see you later!

Over the years I’ve been through at least 12-13 states with fond memories.  As an ambassador of Christ, the King of kings, it has never been my business  to meddle in political issues, for this is not my calling.

I made one exception.  I was once invited to a big political meeting with John McCain as speaker.  But my motive was my wish to meet new people, and it was on that occasion my testimony led me to a lost soul that accepted Christ.

Though I’m not a very likable person myself, I believe the love of Christ has made me like the Americans wherever I meet them (2 Cor. 5:14).  They usually and graciously fall in with my joke about them being just “Europeans away from home” so I’m really visiting my own people!

And yet we are different.  There’s a greater religious awareness over here than in proud Europe  with its atheism or agnosticism.  However, despite our different cultural make-up, “my Father’s business” is about Christ, the Savior of the lost,  including  “both the bad and the good” (Mt. 22:10).  Church going has often been the cloak for getting no real saving experience with Christ.

I admit I have a keen eye on the Starbucks,  the name of which is to me synonymous with an open door for witnessing. I was on the point of leaving it today empty-handed feeling that the Lord hasn’t heard my prayer about leading me to someone as suddenly a beautiful young girl sat down next to my table.  What a wonderful opportunity the Lord then gave me!  And what a sincere listener!  She got my very last “gospel card”, and I promised to pray for her.  Her name is Taylor, she has an online business of her own.  “Take Christ into your business”, I urged her.  Pray for her if you feel led to do so.

I’ve met God’s people and His true watchmen on the walls of Zion, and their testimony and love in the bonds of Christ have refreshed a stranger’s soul exceedingly.  New precious relations have been established to the glory of His name.  So now, soon again on Danish soil, I almost feel like  being myself “an American away from home”! 

We’ll meet again one way or the other.  “In clouds” (1 Thess. 4:17) indeed from everywhere “to meet the Lord in the air”, i.e. “clouds” of saints from both sides of the pond!  If the Lord tarry, we’ll meet  again on your side!

Yakima, WA, USA, Oct. 29, 2013 – jn

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