Forside Articles God bless America
God bless America Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 09. oktober 2009 06:59

We may sometimes learn from the men of this world.  “For the sons of this world are more shrewd (in Danish it says “more wise”) in their generation than the sons of light.”  Luke 16:8.  Personally I´ve found this to be true in many practical aspects of life.  And so have you, I´m sure.

I thought of that again as I listened to the way McCain and Obama paid tribute to each other after the long fight was over.  Worthy and gentlemanlike it was, and they humbly found qualities they could commend each other for.  I found that very touching.  That was to me the highlight of the night´s event.  I could again rejoice.

We should treat each other as Christians in the same humble and worthy way.  Often we don´t ,much to our shame.  I  was once told something very worth-while to pass on about the celebrated English preacher and devotional writer, F.B. Meyer.  One day a very gifted young preacher emerged on the scene, and the crowds thronged to his meetings.  His name was Campbell Morgan.

That bothered F.B. Meyer, and he suddenly found himself in a severe crisis.  Here´s how the Lord helped him out of that crisis:  Instead of letting jealousy overcome and defeat him, he began recommending the young man from his pulpit and to everybody.  It was further told that from that time on the Lord blessed F.B. Meyer´s ministry in a new and fresh way.

After I heard that I´m very much in the market for F.B. Meyer´s books!

I was reminded of that true story last night as I watched the two American combatants graciously commending one another for their personal qualities and virtues.  What a lesson to us.


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