Forside Articles Is Obama Another Messiah?
Is Obama Another Messiah? Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 09. oktober 2009 06:49

“Christ first, our country next!”  Andrew Johnson (The seventeenth president of the United States)

I can´t in my lifetime remember if any candidate has ever been so euphorically idolized as Barrack Hussein Obama.  He seems to be the man who is going to save the US and all the rest of us.  I just heard him giving the pledge that he will provide for the needed “change” in The United States of America and in the world.

Our TV screens are full of him.  And with a smile the TV hosts tell us so and so many times a day about his solid lead.  Our newspapers are competing for the best Obama story.  He seems to fill in the political and spiritual vacuum prevailing at least in our part of the world.

Since we are among those who have our flesh and blood over there, we´ll continue to pray for America and its president no matter who he is going to be.  That goes without saying.

But Obama (nor anybody else) will not be another messiah.  Asking a question like that would to my American Christian friends border on blasphemy.  “We know who our Messiah is”, their indignant reply would be.  Yes, indeed, He only can provide for a radical change in the hearts, fitting so well in with the national motto “In God We Trust”.

America really needs another voice of awakening calling the nation to repentance which has previously happened in the prime of Billy Graham and others.  That´s the kind of change we all need.  Deep in their hearts many Americans know that.  May God give us grace to acknowledge that here in, in Europe, too.
“I tell you, unless you repent, you will all likewise repent.”  (Luke 13:3)


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