Forside Poetry My “Shibboleth”!
My “Shibboleth”! Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Søndag, 09. december 2012 08:59

Why all that sacrificial blood
throughout the sacred Book?
What does to me that crimson flood
to which I´m told to look?

My conscience stained needs nothing less
despite all worldly grudge,
I´ve learned the blood of Christ to bless
before a righteous Judge!

The world belittles Jesus Christ,
His cross, His wounds, His death,
but what for me He sacrificed,
is now my “shibboleth”!  *)

Although the world may have its charm,
it doesn´t heal my soul,
in Christ I find the gospel balm
that makes me sound and whole!

Go with me then to Calvary,
I of its wisdom boast,
here is my “university”
and my allotted post!

Dec. 9, 2012 – jn

*) A password mentioned in Judg. 12:6, which has a spiritual significance

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