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Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Fredag, 02. november 2012 06:32

“Great is the Holy One of Israel in your midst!”  (Isa. 12:6)

Our Thursday group faced a certain ”drop-out” yesterday.   We were only the three of us, boldly claiming the promise “Where two or three are gathered in (or unto) my name, I am there in the midst of them.” With the Lord in our midst we had wonderful moments together.

One of our Norwegian friends told us of a prayer meeting he as a new believer went to.  When he came home, he was asked, “How many came?”  He said, “We were five, - old Johannes, me and The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!”  A fine and God pleasing attitude.

In Toronto I once called on a noble gentleman who had been a soldier during the second world war in Germany.  It was Sunday, but instead of going to one of the streamlined churches, he suggested that we met with a lonely, elderly woman who could go nowhere.  Again we thought of the promise from Matth. 18:20, and I remember that particular “gathering” as a very blessed one.

In Clovis, CA, I met a couple of times with a 94 years old preacher at a breakfast café. (In America the tradition is usually not their homes but rather a place for eating).  Another brother went with me, and what a blessed fellowship we had while the waitresses bustled about with pancakes and coffee.  Now only the two of them meet. I  said to them, “Today we´ve had a summit meeting!” which, strictly speaking,  was true.

My point?  I think you got it.  I sometimes get letters from very lonely believers on the country side.  They would go to our established (and apostatized)  Lutheran state church and get nothing.  The answer to that could well be small home cells with the Lord in their midst.  For that makes any meeting a big meeting – a summit meeting, when “THE LORD IS THERE!” (Ezek. 48:35)

Nov. 2, 2012 – jn

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