Forside Articles Obama Openly Endorses Same Sex Marriage
Obama Openly Endorses Same Sex Marriage Udskriv Email
Skrevet af Jørn Nielsen   
Onsdag, 09. maj 2012 21:42

Till this moment I´d hoped that Obama after all would be personally be against homosexual marriages.  He has after all insisted on being a Christian, a daily Bible reader and an admirer of Billy Graham with whom he has prayed.  Alas, I was mistaken.  In our newspapers we read 

President Barack Obama declared that “same sex couples should be able to get married.” (according to an interview with ABC).

This he says in open rebellion against the word of God together with the rest of the Western world, which is awaiting its doom, but souls are still to be “saved from this perverse generation” (Acts 2:40) through repentance and trust in the only Savior of the lost, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Moralists and law-and-order activists will not do.  Our need is burning evangelists, - one-on-one, in private and in public, in our jobs, in schools, in our retirement, among neighbors, in the cities and on the country side, when travelling, - in short:  “in every place”   (2 Cor. 2:14)

May the Lord grant us such an anointed answer from Himself to “this perverse generation” on its way to an eternal hell, for the mission of the church is evangelization, not a religious game.

May 9, 2012, jn.

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